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Change does not happen over night. It requires attention, thought and action. But where to start? We guide (management) teams around a transformative challenge during a four day accelarator in which we will move througfh hights and lows towards growth. 



We start with inspiration and define your transformation ambitions. We take some outside perspectives and dream and visualize a potential future.



Then we work through the (rough) reality of the current mindset, sillset and toolset as we define the driving and limiting forces that influence your ambitions. Based on a shared reality we wil start to explore new options and prioritise which ones would have the largest impact. However we do create the hypothosis that lays underneath those choices to avoid that the means become the end.  And we define how we can test our outcomes, when do we know that the transformation goals are set in motion.



This is the part where we agree on what to do once we get back into the day-to-day reality. How will we bring our insights and options into the larger organisation. What wil we stop doing to create the space to do the new stuff. We look at what the minimum requirements are to accelerate our journey of inspiration, insights and growth









When you have a transformation goal but do not seem to get it  going this might be an excellent way to start your journey. As you deepdive into your case you will be able to discover to explore, discover and learn. Brining you a step closer towards your ambition. Our guidance is based on our GROWTH-approach.  After the week of intens collaboration you will have a common understanding of the challenge ahead and and of a the possible direcion for change. Read more about our approach.

You can book a week as of 15.000,- euro including preperation and feedback. 

It can be hosted at our own location, for details please contact us. 


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