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The invisible forces that negatively impact team performance

The invisible cultural forces that are negatively impacting your team's customer-focused performance!

Do you recognize the signs below in your team?

  • Talent... Check!

  • Motivation... Check!

  • Clear roles and responsibilities... Check!

  • Progress in performance... NO!

What invisible forces could be holding your team back from achieving better customer-focused performance? We've identified some key ones for you.


We start with an obvious one: your leadership. Leadership remains complex. Even many experienced managers struggle with it. Key areas for attention include integrity (moral leadership), inspiring, coaching, and sharing knowledge. If a team is more than the sum of its parts, you're on the right track.


Clarity about roles and responsibilities does not mean that these are well-aligned with the level of autonomy a team needs. For this, you can use the rather abstract rule of thumb that a team's autonomy should be as great as possible without the cohesion disappearing. Being able to determine how to fill in work and the idea of having an impact are important points of attention here.


The ability to disagree together in a team. Can team members make differences in thinking and doing productive? Or are they in silent conflict with you and/or each other? Is there a pattern of saying "yes" and doing "no"? Does every decision have to be "carried"? Then your team is probably not able to have a constructive conflict. An important prerequisite is to develop a climate in which employees are not ridiculed for sharing their point of view or risk being damaged.

These invisible forces often come back to the composition within a team. How does this group of different personalities typically form itself into a well-oiled machine? A good starting point is to gain insight into the above points of attention and how they daily influence the employee experience of your team


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