The people & organization strategy puts the transformation of your employee experience at the heart of your strategy. It means you are investing in your people. We believe that if you work on improving your employee experience will get you a tangible results through the productivity of your team, your customer experience, your employee branding and ultimately financial results.
It is also important to understand organizations are unique and there is no one size fits all approach how to run and structure your organization. Agile working, the Spotify model, a pool table at the office are just a means to an end. We help you to define the end and then work with your team on what would be the desired mindset first. Once that is clear we can move towards defining the right skillset of your teams, what is needed now and in the future. Then it is time to look into structures, processes, tools, environment and other tools that might scale your desired result. We see that often it happens the other way around. And that the change is not adapted, but forced and fails.
To successfully transform you employee experience we apply our unique data modeling. Once it comes to people, opinions come into play and facts and feelings get intertwined. Through our EXI-Model we can measure your employee experience to provide the insights that will allow you to work towards the desired organizational culture. We have developed a employee experience measurement that can be adapted to your specific needs. But we are happy to work with the tools and data available.
You also might have specific challenges in your organization. These might be:
Design your optimal employee journey
Develop lasting diversity and inclusiveness in your team
Improve collaboration between teams
Integrate two companies or teams after a merger
Build a stronger company culture
Increase your attractiveness as an employer
Develop a data driven organization
If you wish to find out if you could improve your employee experience, take the test and gain insights on your customer centricity.